When it comes to teaching Corticon BRMS, we wrote the book. Literally.

Most buyers of business rules management systems are seeking independence: independence from the inflexibility of business logic embedded in application code, and independence from armies of specialized programmers and consultants who maintain that code. If your BRMS vendor replaces one army with another, what have you really achieved?

We’ve helped hundreds of Corticon BRMS customers achieve true self-sufficiency. We built the Corticon product training program from the ground up. Class design, content, and delivery — the whole nine yards. Plus, we created the Corticon Certification Program and published the quarterly instructional newsletter, Core Sample.

Results? Over 1,000 users trained and 150 certified in industries and countries across the globe. True self-sufficiency.

And did we mention Nimble has more Corticon Certified Master Instructors than anyone? If you want your users to get the best Corticon training available, give us a call.

We’ll teach you to fish, too.