Nimble has more experience applying Corticon to solve real business problems than anyone else.

We’ve used Corticon since version 1 in 2000, and we’ve worked with every version since, including today’s version 5.

With the release of Enterprise Data Connector (EDC) in 5.3.1, all functionality that existed in version 4 is now also available in version 5.

Progress Software announced version 4 will leave support on 10/31/2014, so if you are a version 4 user, the time is now to start thinking about upgrading your Corticon installations and assets to version 5. Since 2013, we’ve helped more than a dozen v4 users upgrade successfully to v5.

Nimble can ensure your success with version 5. Here’s how we can help:

  • Application Re-Design. Version 5 Introduces New Options for Reusing Rules

  • Performing Design and Best Practices Reviews to Ensure Your Corticon Modelers Continue to Produce Quality Rules & Decisions

  • Converting Your Existing Corticon Assets to Version 5

  • Designing & Implementing a Testing Process to Ensure Your Rules Work as Intended

  • Enabling Your Corticon Modelers and Integrators with the New Features & Functions in Version 5

  • Optimizing Your Application

TIBCO iProcess Decisions users: Did you know that iPD is really Corticon BRMS v4?

To expand your application, or upgrade to a newer version of Corticon, let us show you how.